Pierre de Pontierre of Lesve, Belgium (pronounced "Lev ") has developed Lesve Photometry, which can be linked to Lew's AAVSO Format
Plotting Workbook. This Excel Workbook will produce 14 plots from the AAVSO format output, including instrumental magnitudes of your
comparison stars vs. Airmass, allowing you to calculate atmospheric extinction coefficients. It will work with any Photometry program that
gives you the output in AAVSO extended format. See Lew's description of how it works.
Lew's CBA work on MV Lyrae |
Summary - first 10 months of construction on the 44 cm reflector |
Lew's Excel Light Curve Plotting
Spreadsheet made especially for AIP4WIN photometry software!
Lew's article on MV Lyrae for the Czech Journal Perseus
Fighting Ugly Light Pollution |
Lew's Excel Heliocentric Correction
Light curves of MV Lyrae
Project Plans and Problems |
Is the MV Lyrae Check Star Variable? |
M13 for Larry and Laura � |
Lew's One Cell JD Calculator a converter from UT date to Julian Date
UpdatedAO Piscium - light curves
| Observing Dangerously |
CBA Concord Lew's Affiliation with the Center for Backyard
U Gem - The Classic Dwarf Nova
| Supernova 1999cl in M88 |
Lew's original Excel Light Curve Plotting
Spreadsheet -Autoplot.xls - made for plotting light curves from photometry results in a 2 or 3 column text file.
IP Peg - light curves! Eclipses!
| V898 Cyg identification |
Lew's automatic star chart plotting spreadsheet from Arne Henden's photometry standard star
V449 Lyr - a faint eclipsing binary
| The filter slide |
 QY Persei
| The dew cap |
M5 and M57 |
V751 Cyg Light Curves
| Plans for the Focuser |
Lew's Suspected Variable
The reconfigured declination motions
| M67 |
V603 Aql Light Curve |
| Lew's Projects Page |
UX UMa Light Curve
| XTE J1118+480 an X-ray Nova